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  • Writer's pictureKayleah Allen

Part Two of a New Series: Someone Who Means the World to Me.

The second person that means the world to me is my Campus Minister, Preston Ratliff.

When I first came to CCF, I met Preston first thing at the Sunday service and then I got to see him again at the kickoff party that CCF hosts in August to welcome students to campus and to CCF. Preston was one of the first people to talk to me. I right away felt comfortable with Preston and he was someone I knew that I could talk to. When I decided to come to college I felt as if I was thrown into a large body of water and told to fend for myself. I had been struggling with a lot of stuff and I am so glad that I found CCF and Preston. I decided to ask Preston if him and I could talk and I was able to get a lot of stuff off of my chest when I got the chance to speak to him. After our talk Preston decided that we would meet every Wednesday just so that I can update him on things and have that someone to talk to and help me. Wednesdays honestly became my favorite day because I knew I got the chance to talk to Preston.

In February of 2020, I got asked to become a resident here at CCF. I happily accepted the offer as this was something I was longing to do and ready to do. With being a resident, it has given me so many opportunities to lead, to fellowship, to grow, and to just do things I would never experience before. I get to connect with non-residents just like the residents connected with me my freshman year. That also gave me more time to connect and talk to Preston. Preston has honestly become a father figure to me. Last school year a lot of things had been going on in my life, I had been charged with plagiarism, there was drama going on in the girl's house to the point where it was mentally draining, and more. I went into Preston's office one day and talked to him about something(drama) and I started crying. Preston shut his office door and said "I can tell you have been holding that in for a while. I just sat there and let out all of the tears. There was also another time that I was struggling with somethings, and I called Preston and Preston had said that he wishes he could take the pain away from me.

This ministry wouldn't be the same without Preston being the campus minister. He knows how to make your day better when you are having a bad day, he is always there when you just want to talk or even just sit in his office and not talk. Preston is so giving, encouraging, loving, self-less, and just a giant goofball. I know that I will truly miss him when I leave college and hopefully stay in touch with him and his beautiful family. I am so glad that he has allowed me to be a part of his children's lives.

I love you so much Preston. Thank you for being an inspiration in my life and thank you for helping me grow in my faith. I enjoy every conversation we get to have, and I enjoy getting to see you every day. You have made a big difference in my life. Thanks for everything you have done for me these past 3 years. You mean a lot to me, and I know that you mean a lot to everyone you have come across. You are the best campus minister this world could ever ask for. You do so much for CCF. You never fail to make us laugh. You teach us and guide us. You are supportive in everything that we do. You make sure everyone feels loved, included and welcomed.

Preston, thank you for everything you have done for me and for CCF.

Love, Kayleah Allen

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