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  • Writer's pictureKayleah Allen

One of My Biggest Inspirations.

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

So, if you scroll down to the pictures at the bottom of the screen you are going to notice me standing with someone who is very special to me. Let's tell a little back story of why this man is so special to me. So, one day I was just sitting at home when my aunt, Christina walks in and is watching a video. I asked her what is she watching and she said she is watching "The Bearded Painter" I asked her "Who is that?" and she said "His name is Rick Johnston and I used to work with him back at Carrier. He was my boss." "Really?" I asked "Yeah!" she said "He does painting videos where you can just get on and follow him while he is painting!" "Oh! That's cool! The next time he does one we should follow him." I told her excitingly.

I never really had any interest in painting before. It wasn't something that I wanted to sit down and do, but with being in quarantine I was learning all new hobbies and trying new things. So April 17th comes around and Rick is doing one of his online painting classes. So my aunt went out and got us a canvas, paintbrushes, and paint and we decided to paint with him online. I noticed that after getting done with the paint video, I found a new love for painting. Rick had more online classes that I got to watch, and I painted with him every time. In May, Rick had announced that he was going to be doing an In-person painting class and boy was I excited!! I couldn't wait to meet Rick in person for the first time! My aunt asked me if I have heard of his story and I said no so I looked it up..

Here is a little bit of Rick's story.. Rick suffered a health scare similar to a stroke. His brain basically shut off leaving him to learn to walk again, talk again and not be able to do things such as tie his shoes, drive, and write his own name. Rick became an inspiration to many people. He found a new love for painting and began painting things such as barns, pop art, people, flowers and so much more. Rick even has his own gallery that showcases all of his lovely paintings(which I got the privilege to see his gallery and hear the meanings of his paintings a few weeks ago.) Speaking of that.. Rick has a music wall in his gallery and he was asking me if I knew any of the artists that he had painted and I drew a blank on almost every one of them except for Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, and a dang microphone(How embarrassing lol.) but... now we get to the why? Why is Rick one of my biggest inspirations?

Rick became one of my biggest inspirations for 2 reasons. Number 1 is, that he helped me find a new love for painting. Painting is one of my passions now, though I may not be that good at it, and though I can't paint a tree and mainly simple things except flowers, I find peace when I paint. I know that when I paint that it's just me and the canvas. I have total control over what the painting is going to look like, what colors I use, and what time the painting is going to be done. No one is judging me, no one is looking over my shoulder and in my ear telling me what I should and shouldn't do, and no one is rushing me. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I paint, and it calms me down when times are tough.

The second reason is that Rick helped teach me that when God closes one door, He is going to open another. Rick taught me to not give up, and to not let adversity push me down. Rick taught me that you could go through something horrible but there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel, and to find your passion. Rick went through something that no person ever wants to go through, but Rick developed a passion for something he had never thought about doing before. Rick is using his talents to better this crappy, self-centered world we live in today. Rick, at every in person painting class I went to said that "We are here to laugh, smile, and have fun", "When you come here and paint you don't have to focus on the outside world and how negative it is." He is right, when I step in and paint with this guy I don't focus on what ever had gotten me down that day, or what ever was going on outside those doors. I got to laugh, smile, have fun, and do something that I love.

Rick became one of my biggest inspirations because he is self-less, humble, kind, caring, faithful, strong, ambitious, cheerful, determined, and devoted. Rick has one of the biggest hearts. You understand why I was so excited to meet him right? He's put such a huge impact on my life and I've only known him for almost a year!

Do me a favor and research "The Bearded Painter" on Facebook and look at his wonderful, beautiful art and read on his story.

I love you so much Rick! Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many people. Thank you for being my inspiration! Thank you for helping me fall in love with painting. Thank you for showing your strength. Thank you for loving on everyone you meet. Thank you for sharing your life to everyone around the world. Thank you for helping other people find a new love for painting, and most of all thank you for just being you! You hold a special place in my heart, and you always will!


Kayleah Allen <3

(So Rick just commented on this post and said something that I thought was pretty special to put in this post and he said, "Always remember.....its YOUR painting. It isn't supposed to look like everyone else's. Its a reflection of you and how you are feeling. You remember this and I promise you every painting will be beautiful.) How awesome is it to have someone in my life to remind me of this.

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1 Comment

Jan 07, 2021

Made me cry! You bring this world SO much joy. God SHINES through you and that amazing smile.

This touched my very soul. Thank you for being my inspiration as well.

Remember, that painting is 100% yours each and every time you pick up a brush. Its a reflection on how you feel and when you do that, every single painting will be beautiful.

I love you kiddo and I am thankful for you being in my life!

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