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  • Writer's pictureKayleah Allen

My Babies!!

Alright ya'll... you knew this post was coming. I have to post about the 7 little joys in my life right now!

I am going to give you a little run down of who these little kids are; their personalities, and just everything about them that I want to tell you!

(These are my second cousins but... I don't pay attention to terminology)

Let's start with Adrien,

Age: Almost 8 years old

Grade: Second

Nickname: Ainen

Adrien is the goofiest and the most shyest little boys I have ever met. When he first meets new people, he likes to hide his face with his hands. He will even do that with me sometimes when he hasn't seen me in a while. Adrien is so smart for his age as well. Adrien makes me laugh all the time when he comes over. He just wants to feel included and wants to do everything that everyone else is doing. He also is really good at making YouTube videos and doing TikToks. I love you so much Adrien!

Age: 7 years old

Grade: First

Nickname: Layla Bug

Layla is kind, caring, loving and honestly a little goofball. When she was little she lived with my mom, sister and I. When I came back from school Layla would run up to me and say "KEA" giving me the biggest hug. Layla is so strong willed. She is also very determined. She never gives up in anything that she does. I can't wait to see what she is like when she gets older. She already is so mature for her age, it's crazy. I love you so much Layla!

Next is Zayne.

Age: 7 years old

Grade: First

Nickname: Zayners

Alright... This little dude has so much energy, it honestly wears me out. One memory I have of him was; when he was about 4, he came over to our house and decided to sit on my shoulders. Then he would flip off of my shoulders and into my lap, as he was flipping he would pull my hair. Then, once he was done messing up my hair, he kept jumping into my arms. (See what I mean when I say he has a lot of energy!) Now, Zayne just loves to beat me up but once he is done doing all of that he will be the sweetest boy ever. He'll want to hug me, and lay with me and wanna sit by me. I love you so much Zayne!

Next is Ariannah.

Age: 5 years old

Grade: Pre-School

Nickname: Nah-nah, and Princess

Ariannah is in all honesty my girl. Ariannah never fails to put a smile on my face. She is the smartest little 5 year old I have ever met. When she was about 3, she was already speaking in complete sentences and you could completely hear and understand what she was saying. Ariannah is my little goofball. I have a video of her sitting on my lap, looking at the camera and just giggling because she just wanted to hear her own laugh. She reminds me a lot of Layla because they are both just so kind hearted, loving and so so sweet. I love you so much Ariannah!

Next is Jaxtin.

Age: 4 years old

Grade: N/A

Nickname: Peanut

My little Jaxtin Reign. This little dude is my boy. Every time he comes over, I am the first person he runs up too and gives a hug and kiss. When he was around 2-3 months old the only way he would go to sleep was if you swaddled him up in a blanket, put his pacifier in, and rock him. So that was my job, I got to sit and rock him and it was the sweetest thing just to hold him in my arms while his slept soundly and dreaming away. I love you so much Jaxtin!

Next is Cherokee.

Age: 2 years old

Grade: N/A

Nickname: Karaoke

This little girl is the silliest most sweetest girl I have ever met. Once, we had an air mattress in my apartment and I was laying on it and Cherokee sat on top of me and started bouncing up and down and then she like stood on my back and thought it was the funniest thing in the world. Surprisingly for a two year old, she sits in front of an Ipad or the T.V. and will watch the movie. Once I first met her when she was about to turn 1 she wouldn't let me hold her or do anything and she would cry. Then once I came back from college and started to be around her more she actually let me hold her and she will give me kisses now too. I love you so much Cherokee!

Finally is little mister Cade. He is my uncle's first son. I haven't gotten to meet him yet but I am so excited when I do get to meet him for the first time. Cade is 5 months old which so crazy. I heard he is so chill and only cries when he is hungry or needs to be changed. I love him so so much and I can't wait to meet him.

(I also have another cousin on my dad's side named AJ who is about 11 but I haven't seen him in a while and don't have a picture of him.

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